You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Inventory > Item Inquiry - History
Item Inquiry - History

The HISTORY option on the Item Inquiry screen provides access to an item's history in areas such as sales, purchases, transfers, budget, and lost sales. Use this table to choose the inquiry you want to perform.

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All sales of an item to cash and account debtors

"History - Sales"

A full purchase history for an item including unit costs and quantities received

"History - Purchase"

All transfers of an item from transit and actual warehouses

"History - Transfer"

All consignment transfers of an item

"History - Consignment Transfer"

A history of sales of an item per warehouse

"History - Sales by Warehouse"

Total sales for an item for the last 12 months

"History - Total Sales - 12 Months"

Total usage of an item for the last 12 months

"History - Total Usage - 12 Months"

An item's sales budget versus actual sales

"History - Budget Inquiry"

Transfers of an item as raw materials to kits

"History - Items Used on Works Orders"

Items received from kits as finished assemblies

"History - Kits Manufactured"

All lost sales for an item and the reasons for them

"History - Lost Sales"

The best purchase price for an item

"History - Best Purchase"

Transfers of an item as a component of a subassembly

"History - Component on Subassembly"

Combined sales of an item, either by itself or as part of a subassembly

"History - Combined Sales (Main/Subassembly)"